Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 4

03/07/2023 to 07/07/2023
 Thursday is a holiday(heavy rain)
In the first day as usual I reached on time and signed the attendance register. Teacher send the details of substitution periods into the whatsapp group. In the first hour I have a class on 9D. Ramesh wer informed me to conduct a class test. In the second period. I have class on vilice. I taught a new session and it is the construction of ~perpendicular bisectors. In the afternoon session I got some free time. Then I collected notebooks of students in Villic and checked it from beginning. In the sixth period I got substitution on ac. I conducted a math game. the period I got substitution on x D. Prassedha teacher informed me to conduct a class test of chemistry. Teacher gave the question paper. Wo left school at 3:30pm.

In the second day, after signing
attendence register, I went for managing the classes. In the first period Soumya teacher assigned a duty. She gave answer paper of test paper conducted on VIII c and to write the answers mark. Later I have class on Will C. I taught the next session of drawing bisectors. Later I get substitution period in IX B. I conducted some puzzles related to my subject. In the afternoon session, again it was very busy schedule. But those busy schedules are really helpful to became an efficient teacher. In the sixth period Sumayya teacher gave an exam duty in vic. I left the school 3:30 pm.
In the third day ,we reached on time and signed the attendence register. I have first period on Ville. I taught the topic, construction of bisectors of a triangle: Later I have substitution period on qc. Third and fourth period was free. So I got some time to complete my works. In the afternoon, there was a PTA meeting for tenth classes. So we got many substitution on nineth and eighth classes. I got substitution on ac. I conducted a small quiz competition. Most of questions were related to Initially I divided the entire into groups my subject. of four. Then asked questions and wrote their scores on blackboard. All teams played well. But one team wins the game by leading the two points. left the school at 3:40pm.

In the last day, I have first period on vill C. I taught some problems related to the session bisectors. Those questions were based on geometry. To pupils have more. curiosity to solve the problems. In the third and fourth period, Ramesh sir informed me to took a substitution class. Ramesh dis gave a question pool and he advised me to solve six questions on XD class. In the afternoon session Sumayya teacher informed me to manage ac class.

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