Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 6
17/07/2023 to 22/07/2023
Monday to saturday
First day - July 17 was a holiday (Karkidaka vaavu)
Second day - July 18 was a holiday ( death of Oomen Chandy sir)
In the third day, As usual I reached on time. As per the timetable, I got substitution in 9B and 9c classes. I have one period period on sc. So I took a lesson plan named "outer angles! Students were active and attentive. They easily understood the concept of outer angles of polygon. Then I worked out some problemis related to that topic. Students easily solved those problems. Then I told the class leader to collect Maths notebooks of all students. In the afternoon sessions. I have free periods. So I checked the notebooks of all students in 8c. I left the school at 3:30pm.
In the next day,Reached on time and signed the attendence register. I have substitution period on IX.D. I completed my revision topic 'drea' on the three 1xth batches. Later Sumayya teacher informed to took a special class for some low achieving students in Maths subject. In the after noon session I have class on VIIIC. I took an ICT class based on the topic, 'Sum of outer angles. In the sibeth and seventh period. I have special duty Teacher informed con IT me to took a class of Geogebra. We left the school at 3:30pm
In the third day, as usual we reached on time. I have substitution class on IXD. I conducted a quiz related to Moon day. I found three students got first, second and third place in that quiz. In the second and third period I have no substitution classes. In the after- noon session, I have class on sixth period. Our general education teacher Meenu miss came for observation classes. The observed my and gave proper guidance for improvement In that class I used chart and activity card for teaching-learning process. In the last period I got substitution on 6B.
In Saturday, as usual we reached on time. Praseeda teacher informed us to took class for xth standard. I took the revision class on the topic drithmetic sequence. In the fourth period I have class on vilic. I taught the problems related to the sum of outer angles of polygon. I helped students for solving the initial problem. Then I provide activity cards for students. They easily solved the problem. In the afternoon session I took physical education training for IX D class. Boys played football and girls played badminton. Last two periods were free.