Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 7
24/07/23 to 29/07/23
July 28 is a holiday (Muharam)
Day 1 to 5
As usual I reached on 9:30 am. I have first period on IX D. Ramesh sir informed me
to solve some exercise question of chapter "'circles! In the second period I have class on viii c. I taught the last topic regular "polygon". I used chart, models and activity cards for explaining the concept. Pupil responded well and understood the topic easily. In the third period, there was a quiz competition on the topic π-day. Soumya teacher assigned me to distribute question paper of Quiz on every nineth standard. In the afternoon Session I have class on periods was IX C. hast two free. So I engaged in updating my blog works. I left the school at 3:30pm.
Second day was our 29th day of teaching practice. I reached on sharp 9:15am signed and attendence register. I have substitution class. on IX D. In the second and third period there was a selection process for Tingering club. And an awareness class was also conducted based on this club. The topic was artificial intelligence and robotics. In the third period I have class on vill C. I taught the last topic regular polygon. For that I used a chart, model and activity cards. In the afternoon session. I have substitution class on VIII A and IX C. hater I have free period. so I engaged in my works. Today we have the discipline duty. so we managed all students while leaving school.
In the third day, I have class on the third period. I workout activity problems of regular polygons. Actually my 30th lesson plan was completed in this class. And also I completed the lecture of two chapters. In the afternoon session, Sumayya teacher informed conduct an examination on 9c. Teacher me to gave the question paper and I wrote those questions on the white board. The last two periods way free. & I engaged in writing my record works. Today we have special discipline duty.
Next day, there was a special assembly for up and 8th standard students. The assembly an inaguration of news paper was distribution for students from Kerak kaumudi. It took an hour of time. The programme was inaguratat by Yeroor panchayat president. After the assembly I have a revision class on VII C. I discussed some difficult questions with those students. In the afternoon session I have substitution class on IX D and IXC.
Last day, In the first period, Ramesh sir informed me to conduct an examination on IXD class. In the third period, I have class on VIIIC. I conducted a small test on VIII c. In the next period I substitution on IX D. In the afternoon session, I got substitution on VIIIC. I made data collection for my project work from those students. My sample size was thirty. I distributed my survey question in printed format. Two set of questions based on self-concept and academic stress were distributed. Last two periods free.