
Cognitive Map (2 nos)

A cognitive map is any visual representation of a person's or group's mental model for a given concept or process. Cognitive maps have no visual rules that they need to obey, there is no restriction on how the concepts and relationships between them are visually represented. Cognitive maps are the umbrella term for all visual of mental models. represe Cognitive mapping is a free form and can include anything from a bulleted list to diagramis to flowcharts and can be created on paper, sticky notes with a pen, Crayon marker. They three different ways of visualizing a mental model whether it belongs to the designer, the researcher for the user. Each has its strength and benefits. BENEFITS * Help us refine our thinking, breakdown ideas and capture thoughts, themes across different concept. * Identify it gives the visual representation of a whole unit. * It makes the student to learn the unit in simple way. *It is very useful to understand the concept.   STATISTICS * Definition of s...

Innovative Works

Innovation in education encourages teachers and students to explore, research and use all the tools to uncover something new. It involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. The thinking process that goes help student develop their creativity into it will and their problem solving skills. Innovative classroom learning students include a that are range of teaching techniques. designed to increase engagement develop creativity encourage collaboration and utilize real world challenges to deepen understanding. Innovation can be defined simply as a new videa, device or method. It is the application of better solution that meet the new requirement of Innovation work should be creative Convey the concept in a new way. enough It teachers to transact the learning materials and experience innovatively and creatively. My innovative work is based on my subject Mathematics. My innovative work is related with the chapter, Construction of quadrilaterals' I prepared working mo...

Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 8

31/07/2023 Monday -End of second phase teaching practice It was our 33 rd day of teaching practice. Today was our last day of second phasse teaching practice. I went to say goodbye to each and every students in my class VIIIc.They shared their experience with me. Some students gave special gift and chocolates. I also distribute chocolates. Some students gave hugs, kisses and shake hands. It was an unforgettable day. We distribute sweets to teachers also. Left school at 3:30pm.

Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 7

24/07/23 to 29/07/23 July 28 is a holiday (Muharam) Day 1 to 5 As usual I reached on 9:30 am. I have first period on IX D. Ramesh sir informed me to solve some exercise question of chapter "'circles! In the second period I have class on viii c. I taught the last topic regular "polygon". I used chart, models and activity cards for explaining the concept. Pupil responded well and understood the topic easily. In the third period, there was a quiz competition on the topic π-day. Soumya teacher assigned me to distribute question paper of Quiz on every nineth standard. In the afternoon Session I have class on periods was IX C. hast two free. So I engaged in updating my blog works. I left the school at 3:30pm. Second day was our 29th day of teaching practice. I reached on sharp 9:15am signed and attendence register. I have substitution class. on IX D. In the second and third period there was a selection process for Tingering club. And an awareness class was also conducted b...

Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 6

17/07/2023 to 22/07/2023 Monday to saturday    First day - July 17 was a holiday (Karkidaka vaavu) Second day - July 18 was a holiday ( death of Oomen Chandy sir) In the third day,  As usual I reached on time. As per the timetable, I got substitution in 9B and 9c classes. I have one period period on sc. So I took a lesson plan named "outer angles! Students were active and attentive. They easily understood the concept of outer angles of polygon. Then I worked out some problemis related to that topic. Students easily solved those problems. Then I told the class leader to collect Maths notebooks of all students. In the afternoon sessions. I have free periods. So I checked the notebooks of all students in 8c. I left the school at 3:30pm. In the next day,Reached on time and signed the attendence register. I have substitution period on IX.D. I completed my revision topic 'drea' on the three 1xth batches. Later Sumayya teacher informed to took a special class for some low achiev...

Teaching practice phase 2- Week 5

10/07/2023 to 14/07/2023 In the first day, as usual I reached on sharp 9:15 am. effter signing attendence register. I have a Substitution class at 9c. hater I have class on VIII C. I gave some problems related to construction of bisectors. Students were actively engaged in problem solving. As usual there are enough free periods. In afternoon session I went to 9d and 9c classes. Inorder to maintain the discipline, I conducted a Mathematics game. Students were so excited to participated in this game. Some students easily understood the tricks of that game. Some students need further explanations We left the school at 3:45pm. In the second day, teachers sent Sent the details. regarding into whatsapp group. Its We substitution periods ∙As per the given details. engaged in each free periods. At first period I went to 9D class. At the second period I went to a new my class VIII C. Today I started chapter named 'polygons. For the introductory part, I used concept attainment model of teach...

Teaching practice phase 2 - Week 4

03/07/2023 to 07/07/2023  Thursday is a holiday(heavy rain) In the first day as usual I reached on time and signed the attendance register. Teacher send the details of substitution periods into the whatsapp group. In the first hour I have a class on 9D. Ramesh wer informed me to conduct a class test. In the second period. I have class on vilice. I taught a new session and it is the construction of ~perpendicular bisectors. In the afternoon session I got some free time. Then I collected notebooks of students in Villic and checked it from beginning. In the sixth period I got substitution on ac. I conducted a math game. the period I got substitution on x D. Prassedha teacher informed me to conduct a class test of chemistry. Teacher gave the question paper. Wo left school at 3:30pm. In the second day, after signing attendence register, I went for managing the classes. In the first period Soumya teacher assigned a duty. She gave answer paper of test paper conducted on VIII c and to writ...